Jaskinie - The Caves, issue 15

Jaskinie - The Caves, issue 15 (2/1999)

Entrance to Gua Reamau cave, Borneo
Entrance to Gua Reamau cave, Borneo, Photo Grzegorz Kuspiel


map of Animators&Amok series

"Animators" from Warszawa

In winter 1999 cavers from Speleoklub Warszawa carried out exploration of Wielka Sniezna cave. Their discoveries called the Animators series are situated above the main streamway of Sniezna cave. The exploration which required climbing vertical shafts in still unfinished with prospects for opening a new entrance to the Sniezna cave system. The surveyed lenght of the new passages is 1406 m with the vertical extent of 272 m.

Animators&Amok series map, click for bigger version

Polish Activity abroad

Section of Feichtner Schachthohle

No Lampo - no way

In March 1999 cavers from Krakow went to Austria to continue exploration of Feichtner Schachthohle situated in the Kitzsteinhorn massif of the Hohe Tauern. The expedition planned to solve problems left unexplored last winter. But as it turned out the main problem at the cave bottom was inaccessible due to high water level. In this situation the cavers concentrated on other problems but without spectacular results. However the cave still offers considerable potential for discvoveries and another expedition is planned next year.

In Przemkowe Partie
In Przemkowe Partie, Photo Tomasz Sobanski

Tatra Mts.

map of Przemkowe Partie

Quo Vadis - or the secrets of the Przemkowe series

The author describes the history of exploration of the Przemkowe series in Wielka Sniezna cave. The cavers from Wroc;aw began their exploration of the pan of the cave in 1994 and the work is still far from being finished. The series branch off at a very remote part of the system which makes the exploration very diffcult. So far over 2100 m of new passages was surveyed. There are tree independent streamways in the series which are generally developed in east-west direction. Prospects for future exploration are discussed in detail.

Przemkowe Partie map, click for bigger version

Camp in Przemkowe Partie
Camp in Przemkowe Partie, photo: Tomasz Sobanski

Kolektor passage in Pajecza Cave

Pajecza Cave - another kilometer of passages in the Swietokrzyskie Mts.

A short monography of Pajecza Cave situated in Jaworznia, west of Kielce in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains. The exploration was started by cavers from Kielce in 1996. The cave is now 985 m long with the vertical extent of 21 m. It is a system of horizontal passages developed in Devonian limestones. The cave is now closed and protected as part of the "Chelosiowa Jama" reserve. Prospects for future exloration are discussed including a possible link to the nearby Chelosiowa Jama.

Caves in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyzowski Landscape Park

Short presentation of caves and man-made caverns found within the Czarnorzecko- Strzyzowski Landscape park. The park is situated nonh of Krosno in the Carpathin Mountains. All caves are developed in sandstone and of pseudo-karst origin. There are fourteen caves (2he largest is 21 m long) and thirteen man-made caverns listed.


Caving techniques - knots

Another part of the guide for caving beginners - this time presenting basic knots used in vertical caving.

Fresh karst hole near Birza, ph. J. Gagol


From the history of cave exploration Gypsum Karst and Caves of Samogitia in Past Records.

The gypsum karst area of Samogitia is situated north west of Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania. This area was first described by Polish naturalist in the 19 th century. The main concentration of karst phenomen is found near the town of Birzai. The old accounts correctly associate the origin of caves with underground water flow. The largest cave, Swieta Dziura, destroyed later by quarrying, was often visited as a considerable tourist attraction. At present the largest gypsum cave in Lithuania - Karves Ola is 46 m long. It is protected in a nature reserve.

Jacek Duleba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradzinski, Piotr Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Krakow, Poland e-mail: szelerewicz@ceti.pl
Internet edition:
e-mail: dbart@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl WWW: panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart

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