Jaskinie - The Caves, issue 11

Jaskinie - The Caves, issue 11 (4/1998)

Tatra Mountains:

Sniezna Studnia - over 7 km long - Grzegorz Albrzykowski

The cavers from Zakopane continued their systematic work in Sniezna Studnia. They concentrated on side passages branching from Studnia Wazeliniarzy (the deepest single pitch in the Tatra Mts.) and Level 500. In most cases exploration required difficult climbing. The activity was stopped in February when ice blocked a narrow passage near the entrance. At present the surveyed length of the cave exceeds 7100 m.

Wierna Cave, photo: M. Wilk
Wierna Cave, photo: M. Wilk

Sudeten Moutains:

The caves of the Sudetes Mountains - Wojciech Rogala

There are 52 known karst caves in the region. Their combined length is 5213 m, but only 11 of them are longer than 100 m. Jaskinia Niedzwiedzia (Bear Cave) is the longest -2230 m, but this figure needs verification. The cave is open to public. Szczelina Wojcieszowska has the largest vertical extent -112,6 m (-93, +19.6). As almost all of these caves were discovered during stone quarrying some of them are already destroyed and access to others is often restricted. Two tables list all caves longer that 30 m (20 objects) and caves that were destroyed ( 16 objects).

Magura Cave - Romania, ph: S. Kotarba
Magura Cave - Romania, ph: S. Kotarba

Nida Basin region:

New cave area in the Nida Basin - Marcin Krajewski

The author describes two small caves situated in the Miechow Upland. The area has not been previously explored. Strong draughts issuing from cave entrances in winter seem to suggest the presence of extensive cave systems, possibly of the crevice type, formed in Cretaceous rocks. However, much work remains to be done to prove this.

Polish team in entrance to Gouffre Mirolda, photo: R. Kardas

News from the world

Gouffre Mirolda - the deepest in the world1 - Jacek Duleba

A brief description of the cave and summary of its exploration history. Possibilities of further exploration in the system and in the neighboring caves of the Criou Massif are also discussed. A basic plan and section of the cave illustrate the text.

1 - At the moment of publishing this paper Gouffre Mirolda was still the deepest cave in the word. Lamprechtsofen has beat it on 19-th August 98.

First part of Vrtiglavica pitch

Polish activity abroad

Vrtglavica - or the "Beavers" in the ice house - Marcin Furtak

In March and April 1998 an eight man team from Caving Clubs in Zagan ("Bobry - the "Beavers"), Gorzow Wielkopolski and Walbrzych visited Vrtglavica in the Mt. Canin in Slovenia. The cave is at present the deepest single pitch in the word (-643 m). About 800 m of rope was used to rig the pitch, which is well equipped with anchors. All team members reached the bottom. The quickest ascent time was 2,5 hours. The pitch walls are covered with ice below -70 m. There is a considerable danger of breaking icicles and ice overhangs. But the chosen season, end of winter, proved to be favorable for secure descent as there was relatively little water in the cave and stable weather in the mountains.

Here you can find section of Vrtiglavica Vertigo.

Magura Cave - Romania, ph: S. Kotarba

The Sighistel Valley - Stanislaw Kotarba

The article describes caves of the picturesque Sighistel Valley in the western part of the Bihor Mountains in Romania. The Bihor is one of the most interesting karst areas in the country. The Sighistel Valley is situated about 20 km north west from the town of Beius. There are several interesting caves in the valley, two of them are longer than 1 km. Three caves: Corbasca. Magura and Coliboaia are described in detail. As some of the caves are protected they can be visited only with a local guide who can be found in the village of Sighistel.

Equipment and techniques

Caving equipment and clothing - Wojciech Radecki

A guide for caving beginners - short description of basic clothing and personal equipment from a practical point of view.

Coliboaia Cave - Romania, ph: S. Kotarba
Coliboaia Cave - Romania, ph: S. Kotarba

The subterranean world of J. R. R. Tolkien - Agnieszka Zaworonek - Mateja

The first part of the anicle discussing possible sources of inspiration for Tolkien's descriptions of caves. There is no documented proof that Tolkien did any caving. But the vividness and veracity of detail suggest that he must have had some personal experience of caves. Quotations from "The Lord of the Rings" are compared with extracts from caving literature.

The Jura

Studnia w Zagorzu - Wojciech Kuczok This cave is a 12 m deep shaft situated in Zagorze. The author describes his visit there. After a two meter thick layer of offensive waste had been removed from the bottom traces of previous explorers were discovered. Inquiry revealed that the shaft was almost completely dug out by local people about 20 years ago. The most likely, though unacknowledged, motive for this laborious enterprise was treasure hunting. The cave is an interesting, but demanding exploration problem as it is situated on a hill top.

Secatura Cave - Romania, ph: S. Kotarba
Secatura Cave - Romania, ph: S. Kotarba

The inventory of caves of the Gora Stodolska - Mariusz Bak

At present there are 10 known caves in the massif Gora Stodolska situated at the western end the Smolensk - Niegowonice Ridge in the centre of the Krakow - Wielun Upland. The largest cave is 38 m long. Four recently surveyed caves are described in detail.


Caves in the Beskidy Mountains in the works of B. Z. Steczynski - Wojciech W. Wisniewski

Bogusz Z. Steczynski, who travelled throughout Poland in the middle of the 19th century, described some caves of the Beskid, Mts. in his works. The article catalogues all references to these caves which are hardly ever quoted in modern literature.

Jacek Duleba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradzinski, Piotr Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Krakow, Poland e-mail: szelerewicz@ceti.pl
Internet edition:
e-mail: dbart@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl WWW: panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart

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Last change 1998.08.28